澳门网上博彩官方网站’s RN to BSN completion program allows registered nurses to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree online. Our online RN to BSN program is designed for working RNs who are interested in elevating their professional nursing knowledge and skills. RNs holding a BSN degree are prepared for broader roles in nursing, including supervisory careers.

重点关注当今医疗保健行业的相关主题, 比如循证实践, 法律和道德问题, 护士的领导与管理, 社区卫生, 和更多的, our RN to BSN degree program provides a well-rounded curriculum for RNs who are seeking more from their current career.

Waldorf’s RN to BSN degree program is a post-licensure completion program that requires students to have a current RN license for admission. This program is not designed to lead to additional licensure or certification upon graduation.


The RN to BSN program at 澳门网上博彩官方网站 is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). 



2023年4月, results from the 2022 National Nursing Workforce Survey showed that the percentage of RNs with a BSN or higher degree in the U.S. 劳动力超过70%. 大多数护士(51).5%)现在进入劳动力市场时拥有BSN或入门级硕士学位. 赢得你的灵活性, convenient BSN degree online from Waldorf can open up opportunities to increase your responsibilities, 寻求专业发展,推动你的专业护理事业.

我们的BSN课程为期八周. 您可以在短短一年零一个学期的时间内获得华德福的BSN学位, depending on the number of credits transferred and your time available to complete your coursework. 对于我们的注册护士到BSN计划的申请人,我们将进行全面的信用评估. 我们允许你75%的本科学分可以转到华德福.

Waldorf’s RN to BSN degree program is only offered as an accelerated degree track program. 我们全年接受学生.


Our online nursing degree program is designed to help you further your passion and enjoy a purpose-driven life in health care. 课程s and assignments are not just academic exercises; they are meant to improve patient care. 你在课堂上学到的东西可以在第二天应用到你现在的工作中. Waldorf’s online RN to BSN degree program also allows you to connect with faculty members one-to-one so you can ask questions, 讨论作业,深入了解护理. 除了, your in-person practicum experience can be developed at your current workplace or another local health care facility.



  • 为您提供全天候访问课程内容
  • 不需要从工作中抽出时间来参加面对面的课程
  • 促进自主学习
  • 允许您在方便的时候多次复习课程材料

You will access our highly regarded BSN degree course content through the latest interactive technology and remote course delivery systems. This format allows you to learn at your own pace while still feeling like you are part of the class, 包括与你的教授和同学交流.


华德福的BSN学位教师是专家和实践的专业人士在各自的领域, offering extensive experience that will give you deep insights into nursing and health care. Our faculty members take the time to mentor and guide you as you progress through your coursework.



查看完整的列表 核心需求 对于这个项目.


前缀 数量 课程 信贷
通识教育及核心要求* 54
华德福必修RN-BSN完成计划课程 30
努尔 3010 护理专业概念** 3
努尔 3020 高级健康评估 3
努尔 4030 护士领导与管理原则** 3
努尔 4040 人口护理 3
努尔 4050 教师指导健康体验** 3
努尔 4060 保健教学** 3
努尔 4070 循证实践 3
努尔 4080 护理中的法律和伦理问题 3
努尔 4090 护理顶点** 3
REL 4035 生活,意义,使命 3
副学士/文凭课程转护理学分 36
总学时为学位 120


下载一个 课程计划样本 注册护士转BSN学位课程. 

*Additional courses may be required to satisfy specific 澳门网上博彩官方网站 general education and 核心需求.

**课程s to be completed in combination with approved practicum experience in the community or place of employment. 学生 must comply with requirements of the healthcare organizations where their practicum experience will be completed. If the healthcare organization requires an affiliation agreement prior to conducting practicum experience, additional requirements may include (but are not limited to) criminal background checks and verification of licensure, 药物测试, 免疫接种记录, 健康保险, 还有医疗事故保险. 学生 are responsible for any costs incurred as a result of meeting these additional requirements. 在澳门网上博彩官方网站, 有实习内容的护理课程不能由被拒绝的个人参加, 暂停, 或被吊销在美国或其他国家的执照. Additionally a practicum component  cannot be taken if results from a background check report prohibits participation in a practicum location. If you have any questions about these requirements please contact the Program Director at 塔拉.nichols@thedairyking.com.


  • Completion of the core curriculum and the curriculum for the major, totaling 120 credits. 学生最多可以转学90个学分.
  • 2.50 cumulative grade point average for non-nursing courses completed at 澳门网上博彩官方网站
  • 至少36个高级学分


  • U.S. 海军护士候选人计划
    The Navy offers a program for current or future student's pursuing a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing. 项目参与者可获得1美元,每月的津贴和10美元,000注册奖金($5,先付1000美元,然后再付5美元,并保证毕业后在海军护士团工作. 


澳门网上博彩官方网站 RN-BSN Online Program is committed to complying with accreditation and individual state requirements. When online courses are offered to students who reside outside of the institution’s own state, the state in which the student resides may have its own regulations that nursing programs must meet to be in compliance with that state’s regulations. Compliance with state regulations allows 澳门网上博彩官方网站 to offer nursing courses to students that reside in that state. Below is a list of states for which 澳门网上博彩官方网站 is accepting applications for the RN to BSN completion program. States for which 澳门网上博彩官方网站 is not currently accepting applications is also provided.

免责声明: This information will be updated periodically and is subject to change without notice. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check with the home state’s Board of Nursing for additional or revised regulations. 关于每个护理委员会的信息可以在 国家护理委员会全国委员会.

阿拉巴马州* * 路易斯安那州 北卡罗莱纳
亚利桑那州 麻萨诸塞州* * 北达科他* *
阿肯色州 马里兰* * 俄亥俄州
加州* 缅因州* * 俄克拉何马州
佛罗里达 密歇根 俄勒冈州
特拉华州* * 密西西比州* * 南卡罗来纳
哥伦比亚特区 明尼苏达州 南达科塔州
乔治亚州 密苏里州 德州
夏威夷 蒙大拿 犹他州的* *
伊利诺斯州 内布拉斯加州 佛蒙特州
印第安纳州 新罕布什尔州* * 维吉尼亚州
爱达荷州 新泽西* * 西维吉尼亚州
爱荷华州 新墨西哥 威斯康辛州* *
堪萨斯 新墨西哥 怀俄明* *
肯塔基州 纽约 华盛顿* *


**The Board of Nursing or state department of higher education in these states have additional steps to be completed. Please inform the Program Director if you live in one of these states for the additional steps to be completed. 


阿拉斯加 内华达 罗德岛州
科罗拉多州 田纳西州  
康涅狄格 宾西法尼亚  
